24 thoughts on “Ryan Vander Sluis

  1. Hope the trip went well and that Dyan didn’t get airsick. ;o) I’m praying that God uses you to accomplish great things in Guatemala. Also praying that your experience there with your youth group builds a wonderful bond with those young people that will last for years. Have fun, but that’s probably not necessary to say since Dave is there with you. Love you, Ryan. Mom R.

  2. Hi Ryan! Hope you have a great time, remember, don’t think about work 🙂 Have fun and stay safe!

  3. Praying that you’ll arrive in Guatemala safely today. Good thing you’re a strong, hard working man because from the sounds of it, you’ll be worked hard in order to catch up from your missed day at the mission. We’ll continue to pray that God blesses you and your team with health and strength, great sunny weather, and lots of enthusiasm to do His work. Love you…..Mom.

  4. We did work hard today. A few rain showers here and there, but nothing to stop the work. All houses are up with sheet rock, front porch and roofs. Tomorrow we will stucco and paint. Lots of hard work by all the kids and good attitudes too. God is good. We are blessed to have what we have at home as it’s evident they don’t have much here… but are SO happy to have what they have. We’re having a great time, but miss the kids. Tell them I love them.

  5. Hey Ryan, Good to hear you got a lot done today. I know you will be blessed by this trip. Have a good week and watch out for Dave and the child safety rails for the bed!

  6. Glad to hear things are going so well. I know you will accomplish a lot and make it fun too!
    Kids are doing great! Seth was pretty tired this morning but after breakfast was ready to go. Today we get to see the ending program and then off to farmer grandpa and grandma. Mya is doing great after yesterday, just can’t figure out why she can’t have fruit snacks. Can’t believe you’ll be dedicating some of the houses already today! Hope you love your time as much as we did. Blessings on the rest of the week. Love Mom and Dad

  7. Hey buddy!! I hope you and Diggety aren’t getting into too much trouble 😉 Sounds like you guys are showing up the other teams…way to represent!! Praying that you guys are all staying healthy and safe. Praying you feel the Spirit in a very real way as you dedicate your homes and pray for the souls of the beautiful people there in Guatemala….an experience I will never forget and I pray you are blessed like I was!! Enjoy every moment and can’t wait for our welcome home party to hear all about your experiences!!

  8. Hi, Ryan. The kids are out helping Papa with calf chores, then in for showers, and an early night to bed. All will be sleeping on the living room floor……slumber party time! Mya’s excited about sleeping on the hard crib mattress again. Hope you’re getting all you had hoped built today. Bet that bed feels pretty good at the end of each day. Praying for continued strength and safety. I’m sure you’re having as much fun all the while you are working. Love you. Mom

  9. Had a good day. Finished our houses and dedicated the first 2. Satan was very real, but God is stronger!! Glad to be back at base because we are very tired. Supper tasted really good. Hope Seth had a good week at camp. Glad Mya is doing better. Haven’t heard from you today, Mr. B.

  10. Praying for you this week, Ryan. I’m sure their is laughter amid all the hard work if I know you at all. May God richly bless you and the people you come in contact during these days. Be safe and I’ll stay “on my knees”.

  11. I know that when or if you read this note tonight you will be exhausted! Spiritual warfare to the max! I pray that you will remember, you know who goes before you, who stands behind, the GOD of Angel ARMIES, is always by your side!!! I’m having grandma withdrawl today. It’s so quiet! Love you and keeping you in our prayers! Mom VS

  12. Brandon: Kennedy and MJ came to play. Went to the splash pad this afternoon. I love you and miss you.
    Seth: Had fun at the splash pad. Rode the four wheeler.
    Mya. Love you, Daddy.

  13. Farmer Papa helped keep the boys busy today. If I can keep them awake this afternoon, we’ll ALL be in bed early tonight. We’re continuing to pray for safe keeping. We know that God is working through each one of you. Keep strong. Mom

  14. Yesterday was another awesome day! We dedicated our last 3 houses one of those houses was ours. Was an extremly amazing experience! When we finished it rained so we ate luch in the rain then headed to the medical clinic. We had a lot of rain so we weren’t sure we would be able to do it but the devil didn’t win! Today around noon we wll be headed to our final medical clinic. Love and miss you all!

  15. Ryan! It is so good to hear how faithful and present our Lord has been in Guatemala this week. Enjoy the rest of your time and I am looking forward to the stories you will share.

  16. Seth: Love you and hope you’re having a good time.
    Brandon: Gotta go – want to catch fire flies.
    Mya: Love you, daddy!
    Grandma Van: Can’t help but wonder how your 4 wheel drive ride to your last clinic day went. I can imagine the rain makes things even trickier! Have a great shopping day! And of course a non-eventful trip home! Wondering what time we can expect you in Maurice.
    Blessings! Mom

  17. Glad to hear you are having a great time experiencing God at work! Anxious to hear all your stories!! Enjoy your last little bit of time that is left! Be Blessed!
    Love Ya!

  18. We had another awesome day yesterday! In the morning we did some work around the base then after devotions and lunch we headed to the village to do our final medical clinic. The trip there was very rough and long but nothing worse then we encountered so far. We had a lot of fun playing with the kids and it was another awesome night for our Lord! I think the riding in the vans has been the most exhausting part for me, long rides and very rough! Thanks for all your prayers and please continue, we aren’t home yet:) Give the kids hugs and kisses for me. Love you all!

  19. You have prayers even on the way home! Keep going hard for the Lord! Praising God for the work he’s done in you and through you this week and the work he has yet to do!

  20. The journey home will probably seem long tomorrow but just remember everything you’ve left in Guatemala…..homes for some and more importantly, eternal homes for others. We’ll be praying your way north. Love you, Mom.

  21. I can’t help but just say ditto to what Farmer Grandma just said. Wonderfully put! Kids are so excited to see you! House was getting a little crazy today so it was a great reprieve going to the pool today. Use your energy up in the wide open spaces!! 🙂 This is way off the subject but Brandon warmed my heart last night in his prayers when he said and help Uncle Bill have fun in heaven. See you tomorrow! Love ya! Mom VS

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